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This complete set of six French legal postcards, published in 1904 is a rare find -- none are addressed. All bear a cancelled French stamp and the words: "SAVIGNY-S-ORGE FEVR 4, 04 SEINE ET OISE."

Each card depicts a young girl dressed as an attorney, complete with hat and robe. The first card in the series carries the heading/title: Emouvante Plaidoirie ("Making a Motion").

The captions follow from one card to the next, telling a story:
1) Messieurs de la Cour, Messieurs les Jures. ("Members of the Court, Members of the Jury.")

2) Je jure de dire la verite, toute la verite, rien que la verite. ("I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.")

3) Je sais que mon client est un voleur, un escroc, soit! peut-etre meme son ceuvre sera-t-elle regardee comme la plus grande escroquerie du siecle. ("I know that my client is a thief, a swindler! -- Perhaps his work will even be regarded as the greatest swindle of the century.")

4) Mais est-ce sa faute a lui s'il n'avait pas le gout du travail, car que demandait-il apres tout: de ne rien faire, que bien boire, bien manger, bien dormir, et pour cela il recherchait les bonnes poires! ("But is it his fault that he is out of work, for that is all he asks, after all: nothing more than something good to drink, good food, a good place to sleep, and for that it looked for the good pears!")

5) J'ai sous les yeux sa maniere de proceder qui est simple et facile et je demande au Tribunal de la faire admettre dans les cours de compatabilite de l'Etat, vu les resultats merveilleux qu'elle donne! ("I have before me his manner of proceeding which is simple and easy and I ask the Court to admit in the proceeding the compatibility of the State, seeing the wonderful results that she gives!")

6) Et en terminant je conclus que mon client a droit a l'indulgence due Tribunal, car apres tout, il aurait pu tuer son beau-frere, sa belle-mere, sa concierge ... il ne l'a pas fait, donc ca denote une bonne nature; en consequence je demande au Tribunal d'acquitter simplement mon illustre client. ("And, to sum up, I conclude that my client has the right to the Court's indulgence for, after all, he could have killed his fine brother, his lovely mother, his office manager... but, he did not do so, therefore this denotes a good heart; in consequence, I request the Court to simply acquit my illustrious client.")

Condition/description: The cards are in good condition and have been placed in a simple protective frame, however, they may be re-framed to suit the buyer's taste.

Unframed: 3.5" x  5  3/8
Framed:  16.25"  x  20.5"

Rare Complete Set of Satirical French Legal Postcards, 1904

SKU: NLP0000020

    ©2022 North Law Publishers, Inc. 40 Fulton Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10038

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